Air Conditioners
To receive a small window air conditioner, you must meet income guidelines, and have a household member over sixty or have a medical condition that could be helped if you had air conditioning.
Furnace Repair
When your furnace goes out in the winter in Iowa it is a sudden emergency. Our furnace repair program may be able to help you cover all or part of the cost.
Crisis Assistance
If your electric has been disconnected or you have a disconnect notice, you may be eligible for assistance. Crisis Assistance pays for past due electric bills, and seasonal heating and cooling needs.
Utility Bill Assistance
You may be able to get help paying for part of your winter heating costs if you meet income guidelines. South Central Iowa Community Action Program will help you apply for benefits through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Weatherization of Home
We help families and individuals with limited income save money on their utility bills. We do this by improving the energy efficiency of their homes. By conserving energy, we are also helping the environment.